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Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Story : The lion and the mouse

One day, a lion was sleeping in the forest.The lion was big and strong.All the animals feared the lion, apart from one mouse.

The mouse was playing near the lion. She ran onto the lion's nose and he woke up. He was angry.

The lion lifted the mouse to his mouth and said, I'm going to eat you!

The mouse said, "Please Mr. Lion. Let me go. I am your friend. One day, I will help you." The lion laughed, You? You gre very small! How can you help me? But he let the mouse go.

One month later, the lion wos walking in the forest. A net cought him. The lion was in a trap. He roared and roared but no one came. The lion was afraid.

That night, the lion was stil in the net. His legs hurt. His head hurt. He was very tired. Suddenly, he heard someone say, Friend! I am here. I will help you! The lion looked down and saw the mouse. "You? How can you help me?" asked the lion. "I'm in this tree. I can't move. What can you do?"

 The mouse used her teeth to cut the net. She was small, but her teeth were very sharp. Soon, the lion was free. The lion was very happy. He said, Thank you, Miss Mouse. You are my fiend. And, I am your friend.

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